After publication of The Da Vinci Code friends noted to me, "It is about the same things you've been talking about for years." Why have I, for four decades, been talking about, writing about, and creating interactive discs and the web site about human conceptions of a divine female? It started at the dawn of my adolescence. But that's another story. Thankfully, if interested, you can check it out here on goddesses, in Boy on the Road to Goddess Awareness. One day, I picked up a copy of The Da Vinci Code that a niece had finished reading. The thrilling aspect of Dan Brown's novel for me was not the fast-paced plot, but the symbologist protagonist gathering fun nuggets of ancient wisdom, offering readers the opportunity to gain insight into the prehistoric divine feminine while absorbing the novel, as threads about a sacred female of prehistory, today aka Mother Earth, were woven in. Was Mary Magdalene perhaps a key leader in an early Christian group that had as a key tenet the equality of men and women? Did she lead a group that followed a female God? That prehistoric goddess worship was prevalent throughout the region for thousands of years before Christ is well shown by archaeological discoveries. And what about the other Mary who was completely missing from the movie and book, Mother Mary? Remember that, per the Bible, she is descendent from King David. Would this not have made her a BC VIP? What if Mary was a Magi? They were the folks of her era from whom we get our word magician. What if it was Mother Mary, venerated by the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church and early Gnostic gospels as a very significant young female (scholar, mystic) serving within the temple of Jerusalem, who taught her son by her own example how to be extraordinary, stories that resemble those also told about the youthful Jesus. And I recall recent Pope John Paul II, who is said to have had an extremely deep mystical spiritual relationship with Mary. I heard it noted that every other sentence JP2 spoke was about women as mothers. Now how's this for a short story such as novelist like Dan Brown might tell in long form? Edgar Cayce, a mystic who lived during the early part of the last century, spoke and wrote of hearing the voice of Judy, a Jewish Essene prophetess from a clan on Mount Carmel that Mary was a part of a clan who prepped Christ. And the folks who began the Theosophical Society during the last century spoke and wrote from supposedly secret documents taken from the Vatican Library reporting that the Essenes prepped Christ then sent him out and bring about a resurrection of the earlier Mother Earth centered theology. The secret documents have never surfaced, and the library has reported no such documents missing.
Mother Mary is often depicted as holding her infant son on her knee in the EXACT manner as many ancient goddess figurines and sculptures held their god son consorts (image in this paragraph from prehistoric West Mexico). Is Mother Mary, Christianity's not yet acknowledged goddess? What magic did Mary know? What tradition would she have learned it from? Perhaps the nature-centered, female-centric, midwife's physiological knowledge, such as is depicted in the novel The Red Tent. "When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom..." Now notice that the main female character in The DaVinci Code is named Sophie. This is clearly Dan Brown referencing Sophia, the ancient goddess (of wisdom, truth, knowing) from whom we get the word philosophy. Philo is loving. Sophy is knowledge). When I first came across a Los Angeles Times book review about Riane Eisler book The Chalice and the Blade I was extremely skeptical. That was an inflection point on the long exciting journey that I am writing to you about now, and have been writing about ever since. My path lead me to crosscheck every archaeological work that Riane had referenced. Then, I went on to meet or communicate one-on-one with the incredible source archaeologists themselves, including the fabulous Marija Gimbutas. What I discovered was that hiding between the lines of many scholarly, just-the-facts, renditions that professional archaeologists write for scientific precision about the prehistoric sites they have excavated, is extremely exciting evidence of ever-present goddess worship. Check out ancient archaeological texts for yourself. You can literally read between their descriptive lines using your mind's eye. See what your intuition tells you. These days I am an armchair archaeologist. Though I have been to many archaeological sites and have had in-depth conversations with archaeologists, the predominant research I have conducted has been within the covers of books and journals, dedicated to finding out all that I can conveniently find out about within them about our shared human prehistory. The earliest civilization, it seems, in which humans valued the power of both women and men working in partnership with one another for the survival of our species, to get you to the moment your eyes are reading this and your brain perceiving this. This understanding has been ongoing and enriching in robust fashion for many decades. If you are just coming into an awareness of the sacred feminine now, you may not be mindful of the stir created in the minds of many women and men by publications of books (published during the sixties, seventies and eighties) by archaeologists, such as Marija Gimbutas, who interpreted artifacts in sites they excavated to be goddess figurines and said they provided evidence an Earth Mother was perhaps considered sacred by the prehistoric people these archaeologists were studying. Digging back into The Da Vinci Code there is no doubt about the delta being the ancient symbol for feminine. Just as ancient is the V symbol itself, which appears nowhere in the book (but, oh yes, in the title). But these the Old European folks used the V sign and the sign much like the V, but using three fingers, evocative symbol for the female vulva. Or perhaps it represents a bird's footprint. Maybe both! What does your intuition say? Clicking either of the two figurine images offered above offers you a free pass, a blank check, to check out the Vinca...(da Vinca)...culture of 5000-years-ago, in the region centered in what is now Serbia. And I also encourage your interest in the Dan Brown approved illumination of his book, the informative illustrated version of The Da Vinci Code that among its many benefits has a perfectly divine look at the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (page 124) I have had the pleasure to gaze upon. |
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